Sunday, September 19, 2021

When a door closes... A WINDOW Opens...

When a door of opportunity closes, God opens a new window. We just need to be awake and aware. And most importantly, we need to act and get in that window of opportunity!”

- richbenj.santiago

I went through that experience and I know it perfectly. I was comfortable in my corporate career for 30 years when suddenly I was forced out of my JOB!

A door closes. But, a window of opportunity opened for me. And that’s IMG!  

Is IMG a greater opportunity than corporate world? 

Will I be able to generate better income? 

Would I be happy and secured? 

YES I did!!! 

Check this :

Check this out to learn more of our Financial Literacy Campaign that can enable  you to build your own business.  HTTPS://


I have built a Business Empire that covers 68 Countries in just about 13 years! 

We have coached and helped thousands of people become successful. 

We have helped hundreds of people earn multi millions in this business.

Many others I know and I coached helped hundreds of people as well. And you can be the next one!

Check our website 

PM me for your personal Retirement Planning Session. Or you can eMail me at

Benj Santiago

Truly Rich Makers

Founder, Head Coach

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