Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Enough of the EXCUSES...ACT NOW!!!

As most of you know, I love to learn, love to study, and love to look for opportunity in the economy.

I also love to teach and empower others.

I’ve noticed a growing trend recently. I’m hearing more excuses than ever why people aren’t investing or aren’t taking their next step toward financial freedom.

Here are some of the excuses I hear… (see if some sound familiar to you).

Real Estate is too expensive

The stock market is too high

I don’t know enough about cryptocurrency. 

I’ve waited too long to get started. 

What I’m doing is working fine, 

I think. I don’t have enough money to invest. 

Now isn’t the right time. 

And the list goes on and on.

Listen, I understand. 

Fear and uncertainty manifest themselves in many ways

I’ve been there too. 

Being an investor or taking control of your financial future can at times feel intimidating.

But at some point, you will run out of excuses, won’t you?

The world around you – and the thoughts in your head might be saying you can’t do it. 

I’m saying, yes you can.

One of the keys to being a successful investor is simply to start. 

To take action. 

Start learning. 

Start investing. 

Start meeting new people. 

Start paying attention. 

Start small. 

But start!

Afterall, while some people are frozen with excuses, others are getting rich, and you are missing out.”


Guess what, I have the same message to you! 

And here is a good way to FastStart your way out of your excuses. 

JOIN our FREE Financial Coaching Session happening everyday! 

Choose a sched and PM me so I can give you the access code. 

Benj Fely Santiago

Truly Rich Makers

Founder and Head Coach!

My website https://6020hf.imgcorp.com

PS: My apo started to invest at age zero. 🙂 

PS1: Watch our Mentors on the YOUR MONEY MATTERS YouTube Channel as they share amazing Financial Strategies that are safer than safe.

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