Friday, September 24, 2021

Spend Below Your Means!

Robert Kiyosaki challenges our common belief and direction. 

He said it is not correct to simply “Spend Below your means”.  

He says that we need to earn as much as we can so we can fund our dreams. 

This is actually a challenge to many people regardless of what stage they are in: Millennials, “Sandwich “ Generation, and  “Retireables”. 

I say , both must be pursued. But the first action to take really is to spend below our means while we strive to earn the income that will fund our dreams. 

In IMG , that’s what we were able to achieve. Not only did we learn the Prosperity Formula and implemented it in our Financial Life, we also were able to generate income more than quadruple what we earned in the jobs we had before . And what is amazing is that, we achieved this before we reach our retirement years. 

Not only do we earn what is now funding our dreams, we also are able to uplift the lives of thousands of people, enabling them too to achieve their dreams. 

Do you want to know more? Come to our FREE Financial Coaching. 

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Benj Fely Santiago

Founder; Truly Rich Makers

Author: Debt Destroyers






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