Monday, September 6, 2021

Do you want to know how to WIN against DEBTS?

“One day, as a child, I was having a really tough time at school.


A really big project about Pearl Harbor was coming due and I was getting nowhere with it.


My poor dad, the head of education for the state of Hawaii, told me to lock myself in my room with the set of encyclopedias and to stay there until I was done.


So, I did.


I also received a ‘D’ on the project.


My father, poor dad, could not understand how I did so poorly. I tried explaining how boring it was. How I thought I was doing it well, but…


None of my excuses cured his frustration.


The only thing that helped him calm down was that the teacher was allowing anyone who wanted a second chance to redo the assignment.


This time I asked rich dad what I should do.


He said, “There are three ways a person can win.”


Here are the three:


  1. By putting others down
  2. By trying your best
  3. By teaming up and cooperating


Well number one was not going to work. That whole school was smarter than me and everyone knew it. I already tried number two and got a ‘D’. So, I figured I should try number three.


Since I hated reading, my rich dad suggested I speak to some of the older people I knew who would remember, or at least have first-hand stories of what happened at Pearl Harbor. And so, I did. Amazingly so many of the elder Hawaiians were eager to tell me their stories. They also took a great interest in how my project went.


They all helped me in many different ways. All of them told me stories, but some of them helped me write them down. Others helped me organize the stories and still, others helped me combine the stories and the organization into an amazing, well crafted, well-written essay.


I got an ‘A’. And I did it by teaming up and cooperating.


Now that I’m much older I still see the three different ways of winning but know that cooperation is the one that works for me.


The winning strategy,”


This story applies in being successful in Business. And I am blessed that this “winning strategy” of “teaming up and cooperation“ is what I have in IMG! No other Financial Institution can boast of the same strategy!  And because of this winning strategy, I became successful and DEBT FREE!!!

Join us and EXPERIENCE the Winning Strategy!

Check out our story here https:/

Benj Santiago

Truly Rich Makers

Head Coach and Founder

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