Thursday, September 16, 2021

How can we be TRULY RICH?

“A very common misconception about being wealthy is having a big house, gorgeous cars and always on lavish trips, and vacation. 


But, would you agree with me that we can never truly wealthy if we don’t control our  time. If we are always working. Always helping helping our clients. Always a slave to our employer and our payables. 


Time is Gold! Time is the goal. Time is the reward. Money is just a tool to get you more time.


“Time is what is precious. Very few realize this. If you are one of the few, CONGRATULATIONS! You were right. 


Let me ask you this, “How many days could you survive if you stopped working today? How long could you survive on the amount of money you have?”


This is a sobering question for most people to ask because most people don’t have enough savings and assets to survive for more than a few months. Some may only be a few weeks. 

Truly wealthy people, have assets that provide cash flow (passive income) month in and month out that cover their living expenses and often much, much more. Their assets provide enough cash flow income to cover their expenses. They control their time.


That, to me, is the very definition of wealth.


Assets can be real estate, stocks, and my favorite… business.”


Let me share to you my IMG Business that you can do anywhere, anytime ON LINE! A Business you OWN. A Business that gives me the POWER of TIME FREEDOM!

Check this :

We built a Business Empire that covers 68 Countries in just 13 years!

We helped thousands of people become successful. 

We helped hundreds of people earn multi millions in this business. 

And the best thing about our Business, it is a MISSION that PROVIDES SOLUTIONS to the NEEDS of everyone! 

I have a FREE Financial Coaching Session everyday!

PM me or email me at to get registered. 


Truly Rich Makers

Founder, Head Coach

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