Sunday, September 12, 2021

Always be Bigger than Your MONEY!

“Have you heard this short saying?


"Always be bigger than your money.”  - unknown


This is one of the quotes my Advisor team and I have studied.


I think the best explanation came from Andy Tanner, my Rich Dad Stock Advisor. He explained that if we allow money to stir emotions of anger, greed, fear, or even joy, in that moment, we have allowed money to become bigger than ourselves. We have become money’s servant.


At Rich Dad, people think we only care about money. Actually, we care very little about money. We care about the freedom, protection and peace money provides.


In these times it’s hard to feel those things with the economy in such danger and near collapse. It's hard to see a path that helps us survive and profit in these times.


This blindness can make us feel stupid.”


But there is a way out of this situation. It is FINANCIAL EDUCATION! 

And we in IMG spreads that opportunity for all of us to be educated and empowered to invest correctly and create an income flow that will help us thrive in this situation. 

I want you to take that opportunity. Check our website

Get to know what we teach here or go to this link

Let your “financial eyesight” be restored! God bless us all!

Truly Rich Makers

Founder, Head Coach

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