Sunday, August 29, 2021

Are you a CONQUEROR?

“Do you know what an entrepreneur really is?


A conqueror.


Entrepreneurship is about so many things. There are so many thoughts about what an entrepreneur needs to accomplish first.

The first thing an entrepreneur must do is conquer that little voice of doubt and fear that traps his/her mind. The little voice is the magnifier of all the obstacles in your way. It screams how hard it will be and it shouts the battle cries of all who would see you fail. 

Until that doubt is defeated, you are nothing more than a dreamer.


Do not focus on that pesky voice, instead focus on your business and what you CAN accomplish.


It’s scary to leave your comfort zone. It takes time and energy. You have to focus on how badly you want to change your life and situation. Otherwise, you’ll just be a dreamer, and nothing will ever happen.


People who really want success put effort into it.


Focus on your business, not your fears.

It really can be that simple. With the right team and the right teachers, it really can.

Focus on what you CAN do,”

Robert Kiyosaki

I am a conqueror. I am an ENTREPRENEUR!  But, before I became one, I was enslaved by JOB for about 30 years till I find the right mentors, Financial teachers who showed me how to succeed in Business!

You can do it too! Learn how by attending my FREE FINANCIAL COACHING. PM me for the schedule. 

Check out my website 

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May Malaking PAGASA! 

Benj Santiago

Truly Rich Makers

Founder, Head Coach

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