Sunday, May 17, 2015

How Do We Avoid the Debt Trap?

Do you Want to Avoid Debt Trap

Being in the debt hole and rising above it was really a harrowing experience for many of us. Getting back into it would be foolish. So how did Fely and I make sure we don't fall on the same trap ever again?

Two things that we believe got us into debts: we lacked financial literacy as well as discipline. These are the top two reasons why we fell on the debt trap. So the solution is very obvious. We increased our financial literacy and we developed our discipline.

This we did by attending seminars and reading books and by being with people with the same mind set and goals. Literacy is easy to acquire, discipline is the harder part. Discipline is where the consistent application of the concepts learned are tested. We learned that for us to avoid debt traps, not only do we have to manage and consolidate debts, but also need to build up our emergency funds. So we created our emergency funds. We put aside about 50K in the bank. The guideline we had was to put into emergency funds at least 3-6 Months of our monthly salary or a minimum of about 50K Php. This will ensure that in case of emergencies, our first line of defense will be these emergency funds and not our credit cards.

It is very true that in our life, there comes many emergencies, and for most that do not have funds they fall into the debt trap like what we experienced.

So we saved initially about 50k Php and placed this in our checking and savings account. Eventually, we had also accumulated emergency funds in Mutual Funds and our Long-Term Healthcare.

We also leveraged our Credit Cards limits as source of emergency funds. How is that? We use our credit cards but we made sure that we pay it in advance so as to avoid the interest charges. We made sure that, the credit cards companies do not collect from us the annual fees. Because of the promos associated with the wise use of credit cards, we even enjoyed freebies like free food from fast food chains, and we accumulate promo points which we then exchange for free gadgets and home appliances. What placed us in deep debt hole, we learned to use to our advantage. With discipline, and planning we were able to turn an instrument of debt to our advantage.

We plan what we buy and we make a conscious effort to analyse our major purchases whether it is in our priority list. And if it is, how can we have the best value for our money. We always check and analyse our monthly expenses to make sure we control it to our plan.

We also made sure that what we invest on are real assets that put money into our pocket. The non performing assets that created holes in our finances and drained us were all plugged. We have liquidated some of the dead assets and converted them to cash which we invested.

We continually attended a series of training in IMG which further honed our financial literacy in money and debt management. In one particular session, we learned that credit cards annual fees can be waived. From then on, we always request for waiver of our credit cards annual payments. Attending seminars not only increased our financial IQ, it also developed our discipline. Since we are with the company of people who have the desire to save and invest, increase their cash flow, as well as get out of debts, then, we became like them. “Tell me who your friends are, and I will tell you who you are". This is indeed very real.

For us, the most important step we took in our journey to financial freedom, and to rise from our debts is what we learned on the Six Steps To Financial Freedom. The very first step is to increase our cash flow which we shared in Chapter 5. The most important and most difficult step really to get out of debt is learning and doing how to increase our cash flow. We hope you go back to Chapter 5 and learn and act on it.

To further make sure Fely and I do not go back into the debt trap, we made it our mission to share our experience to other people. This simply forces us to walk our talk for we cannot preach what we do not do. We shared to our family and friends what we did and are doing to be financially free. We went from places to places all over the Philippines and all over Asia to propagate financial education to those who wants to listen to our sharing. The more we share, the more we resolve to do what we preach. And what is amazing is that, the more we do our mission, the more people we help get out of debt, learn proper investing the more we earn. We make people win in their financial struggle and we make ourselves win too! The more we share, the more it prevents us getting back to our own debt trap.

We change our financial life and we change other people's lives too. This became our business. A Win-Win Business in the field of Financial Services through IMG System.

Malvin and Matin is just one of the couple friends we have in this mission. They were also retirees from Intel. They put up a computer shop and got their house expanded. They added another room for their children. They do earn from their computer shop in its early stages, but their competition started to rise. Thus, to compete they reduce their hourly rates on their computer rentals to be at par thus reducing their income. Eventually, they had problems with cash flow because of the shortfall in their business earnings and their increased and unmanaged expenses. Moreover, they did what most early retirees do. Spend their money rather invest. Thus, they incurred credit card debts that grew more than double due to penalty charges.

We met them in a marriage encounter weekend where we were assigned as shepherd couples. We encourage them to attend our financial coaching and helped them start up their IMG business. In less than two years, they were able to get their finances in order and had their debts paid, and they were able to increase their cash flow. Now they earn more than 3x their previous earnings and had steadily improved their cash flow enabling them to invest on their long term healthcare needs, invests too in mutual funds and into direct stocks. More than that, they are now part of our mission team in the Truly Rich Makers IMG Team reaching out to many people in different places in the Philippines and in Asia.

If you will need coaching like what we did to Malvin and Matin, please feel free to contact or We will be more than happy to help you increase your cash flow and rise from debts! You do need a coach to win in your business. And you need a business; your own business to increase your cash flow. Contact us at 0920-902 1217 or email at for details. Attend our FREE COACHING !

Check here to see the many benefits of becoming an IMG Member.

Benj Fely Santiago


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