Monday, August 6, 2012

Final Portion Why Health-Care Protection is NEEDED

We followed the concept of building a solid financial foundation, late as it maybe. We got ourselves and our children, long term healthcare. Our entire family are secured that any medical crisis we might encounter, we have money that we can use. We do not need to sell off properties, we do not have to incur debts. We have a solid financial foundation. We calculated how much we would need in case of a medical crisis, as well as for the basic medical needs. By basic, this includes maintenance medicines, and vitamins, and supplements. We calculated the future value of what we spend today to the year we project we actually will need it. We used an inflation rate of 7%.

We have completed our 5 year investment on this Long term healthcare. With just the interest earnings of our long term healthcare coverage, we can sustain our daily basic maintenance or even a medical crisis, which we pray won’t happen. But just in case it does, we have more than a million to cover for that. We won’t have to sell any property nor borrow money. Better yet, we expect and claim that we will be healthy, and thus, would use the interest of this invested money to help other people like Juan, Peter, and Jose who are in desperate need.

...tomorrow, we will cover the next basic need...Life Protection....

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