Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Our Turning Point!

What We Thought as A DISASTER
Turned Out 
To Be 

Fely and I are both engineers by profession. She is an industrial engineer while I am a licensed mechanical engineer. We both worked for multinational companies as senior managers. I had spent more than 25 years of my life in the corporate world and planned to retire from the company where I was working. But despite the fact that Fely and I both earned quite well in our respective jobs,we had chronic financial problems.

We earned well but we spent even better! While we also invested in real properties as well as local and US stocks, they turned out to be liabilities because we didn’t have the proper investment guidance and were not founded on a purpose and a plan. Instead of putting money into our pockets, our investments took money away from us and further strained our cash flow.

Our finances were in shambles and we were heavily in debt. We lived from paycheck to paycheck. Worse, we didn’t take any action since we believed our income from our jobs was a steady stream. Reality hit us head-on one day when Fely was identified to be retired from her job. The monthly income that we relied on to pay for our expenses, liabilities and debts was reduced by almost half.

We were faced with seven-figure debts and our monthly cash-flow was insufficient. What made things worse was that majority of our debts were on credit cards that ballooned with interest. We were in financial and emotional distress. I had sleepless nights, while Fely developed hypertension. We were caught unprepared and uneducated in financial matters.

But God provided us a way out. We frantically searched for financial literacy seminars and books to prepare us for the inevitable. We read books by Bo Sanchez and Robert Kiyosaki, among many others. We attended Bo’s financial coaching seminar. There we encountered IMG-International Marketing Group! It totally broke our poor mindset and financial ignorance. Finally, we made the decision to embark on our journey towards financial freedom and put into action what we had learned.

When we were retired in 2008 and 2009, one after the other,  we thought this was our greatest Career Disaster. But, God has bigger plans for us. What we thought as our downfall became our Turning Point! With our focus and determination to succeed, we were able to pay off our Bad Debts and was able to recover our lost income!

Now ...We are doing this Mission teaching people how to be Debt Destroyers too. Watch this YouTube of FEAST TV Live about How to get out of DEBTS:

Come and Join us in our Financial Coaching Seminars and get a copy of our book DEBT DESTROYERS that details How We Got Into Mountain of Debts and How We Finally Destroy Them!!

Published by Bro Bo Sanchez Kerygma.Books

Contact us now at 0920-902-1217 or PM Me on FB  (Benj) for your schedule.

Check here to see the many benefits of becoming an IMG Member. 

Register here on our ON LINE WEBINAR: http://8874hf.trulyrichmakers.com/investingcorrectly/

I also encourage you to attend our LIVE ON LINE CLASSES  Refer to the attached SCHED Below. Message me at 0920 902 1217 or email at richbenj.santiago@gmail.com for the PASSWORD.