Tuesday, July 31, 2012


A lot of people are deeply indebted. We were one of them. It has been a great struggle and we are thankful that we had risen from our debts.

God really works in mysterious ways! We thought and planned to retire as employees. But God has other plans. He directed us to a detour and arranged everything perfectly. This we can say now as we look back in our journey towards being debt free. Let us share with you how we did it!

We are both Engineers by profession. Fely an Industrial Engineer and Benjie a Licensed Mechanical Engineer. We both worked for Multi-national companies as Managers prior to our conversion to missionaries of financial literacy. We had spent more than25 years of our life in the corporate world and planned that we retire from the company that we worked with. We had constant struggles in our work and in our finances that often lead also to strained relationship. This is in spite of the fact that we both earned quite well in our respective jobs.

We earn very well but we spend even better! We invest in real properties, in local and US Stocks. We do what we thought were investing. But it was all unguided, improper, and not solidly founded on a purpose and plan. What we thought as investing turned out to be accumulating liabilities. Our finances are in shambles and we are heavily indebted. We lived from pay check to pay check, and we did not take any action. We were in a “rat race”. Reality hit us one day when Fely was identified to be retired from her job. The monthly income that we rely on to pay up our expenses, liabilities and debts will be reduced by almost half. We were faced with seven figure debts and our monthly cash-flow is insufficient! Majority of our debts were on credit cards that required monthly payments.

God is really good and He always provide. We searched for financial literacy seminars and books to finally prepare for the inevitable. We bought and read books by Bro Bo and Robert Kiyosaki. We attended the Financial Coaching seminar by Bro Bo. And finally embarked on our journey towards financial freedom.

This blog we have written entitled Rising From Debt highlights how we were able to rise from our debts. How we were able to fix our financial situation. We share the struggles and major wins in our financial life. It narrates what concepts we actually learned and applied in order for us to achieve financial freedom.

We also share the very crucial understanding of how we built our financial foundation, what were the wrong mind sets and financial ways we had, and our conversion.

to be continued....